'Learning to die, learning to live' Programme
An educational programme offering inspiration for life through reflection on death.
3-day course
Learning to die, learning to live
12 and 26 October and 9 November 2025
De Meditatietuin, Amstelpark, Amsterdam
All of us know that one day we will die, but most of us prefer not to think about it. Why focus on death when you can just live? But what if our fear of death is actually preventing us from living our lives fully and without regret?
In this 3-day course, we explore the benefits of befriending death in a reflective and playful way. How is it to live with a calm awareness of death? What does death mean to us personally? Using a traditional yet universal framework for preparing for death, we learn to take steps in our daily lives to feel more prepared for death.
The course has partly the character of a retreat, with time for quiet reflection, reading, writing, drawing, and guided meditations. We will also have time for sharing and discussing in small groups to learn from and inspire each other.
Themes we will cover include:
*** reflection on our own mortality and the uncertainty of when we will die ***
*** exploring and transforming our own fears around death ***
*** connecting with sources of strength we use in difficult times ***
*** forgiveness and healing ***
*** letting go of attachments ***
*** rehearsing how we want to be at the moment of death ***
Between sessions, there are reading, writing and reflection assignments to help deepen our awareness of impermanence and root it in daily life.
This course is for you if:
*** for any reason, you have become more aware of the vulnerability of life ***
*** you are curious about what happens when we die and how to be ready for it ***
*** you want to embrace your fears about death and dying ***
*** you expect to care for someone in the final phase of life sometime in the future ***
*** you are a care professional or palliative care volunteer and want to become more aware of your own personal fears or resistances toward death and dying ***
Times: 10.00am – 4.30pm
Fee (including 3 x vegetarian lunches): €395 or €355 (choose which amount you can pay)
Number of places: maximum 10
What participants say about the course:
“I found the course ‘Learning to Die, Learning to Live’ a very special experience. Annie exudes calm and confidence, inviting reflection and openness on this theme. The exchanges and interactions with the group were also very educational. I have always found death to be something terrifying. Through this course, I have become a little less afraid and have come to see dying and death as a source of inspiration to delve deeper into. I now dare to talk about it and even invite everyone to share their experiences. This course is highly recommended!” – M.D.
“A course for daring to look at what happens when you come close to death. For breaking taboos. For daring to feel and name feelings. And even better: for seeing in your daily life that everything changes; every action, situation, feeling has a beginning and an end. Confronting maybe and reassuring at the same time. So we can already study and experience the process that nothing is infinite. What this does to me, and what it does to you, and sharing that together. In a safe, reliable, supportive, and loving environment and guidance.” – Isabelle Fabre

“Everyone gets the space to go through the course from their own story and perspective. Many in-depth and clarifying exercises, more than enough space to share and ask questions. Top class. Thanks to this course, I relate more easily to the idea of dying. I have more insight into what is important to me, from practical matters such as who I want at my bedside to what I want to leave behind in this life: what really matters to me. The course also reassured me more about my own death, loss, and grief. The follow-up days are also enriching and inspiring. For me, it has become important to keep feeding and exploring the theme of dying and living.” – F.T.

“It is a special thing to reflect on our life and our death. The ‘stepping stones’ provided give you a great framework through the informative, contemplative, and creative assignments, one you will never forget. I found that incredibly helpful for now and later at the end of my life. And it’s also very useful for others if they become seriously ill, if you were to be accompanying them.” – Irma Kloet
“Leef! met de dood”
Heb je ooit een persoonlijke reflectie willen doen op je eigen sterfelijkheid maar wist niet hoe te starten?
In deze 2 uur lange interactieve workshop met Annie Birken leer je op een speelse en authentieke manier de dood een plek in je leven te geven. Vanuit haar ervaring als coach voor leven en sterven, laat ze zien wat je nu al kunt doen om je later beter toegerust te voelen voor je laatste reis door het onbekende. Zodat de dood minder een vijand wordt en meer een oude, bekende vriend.
Have you ever wanted to reflect personally on death but didn’t know where to start?
In this interactive workshop with Annie Birken, you will learn in a playful and authentic way how to give death a place in your life. Drawing from her experience as an (end-of-) life coach, she shows what you can do now to feel better prepared later for your last journey through the unknown. So that death becomes less of an enemy and more of an old, familiar friend.
Considering taking the course “Learning to Die, Learning to Live”? Taking part in this workshop is a great way to get a taste of the course content.
Aantal plaatsen: maximaal 12
Kosten: vrijwillige donatie (suggestie: €15 )